The Powerful Prince
ENDED • 2020 • DRAMA
Original Show
Language Chinese
The weakening emperor pressures Prince Ning Xiao to marry the Prime Minister's daughter. Ning Xiao, refusing and planning to escape, is pursued by assassins but is saved by Bai Zhi. As they travel together, Ning Xiao and Bai Zhi develop a deep bond. Meanwhile, political intrigue and suspicions about a princess’s identity intensify the unfolding drama.
The weakening emperor pressures Prince Ning Xiao to marry the Prime Minister's daughter. Ning Xiao, refusing and planning to escape, is pursued by assassins but is saved by Bai Zhi. As they travel together, Ning Xiao and Bai Zhi develop a deep bond. Meanwhile, political intrigue and suspicions about a princess’s identity intensify the unfolding drama.
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