Season 1
Ren & Stimpy

Season 1 of Ren & Stimpy was originally scheduled for release around September 2024, but due to unexpected delays, the exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

The good news is that Ren & Stimpy is still in active production, and an exciting announcement is expected in the near future.

Stay up-to-date with all the production updates and be the first to know when the release date is announced. Download Rivr on your iPhone or iPad, and add Ren & Stimpy to your favorites.


1: Renhattan
Ren becomes a slumlord to the cockroaches in the apartment.
2: Table for Human
After being rejected from a fancy restaurant for being animals, Ren and Stimpy hatch a scheme to borrow human skin.
3: Clear Toilet
Is your toilet too opaque? Have we got a solution for you!
4: Screentime
Stimpy becomes addicted to his cell phone, to the point where he and the phone merge into a horrific phone monster.
5: Milk Pulp
Drink Milk Pulp!
6: All About Log
Join Ren and Stimpy on a tour of Blammo's Log factory, where they'll show you just how Log is made!
7: Bad Stimpy
Ren shows Stimpy how to be a real bad boy, with a leather jacket and everything!
8: The Mother of All Yaksmases
Ren doesn't want to celebrate Yaksmas until Stimpy's surprisingly attractive, and equally surprisingly human, mother comes to visit.
9: Yucky the Mudman
A classic Yaksmas cartoon.
10: 2 Slow 2 Furious
11: Keeping Your Roommate Happy
12: Now Sea Here
13: A Stimpy is Born
14: Ask Dr. Stupid: Toxic
15: Aw Hell No!
16: Squatters
17: Hair Fairy
18: Powdered Toast Man! The Movie
19: Everything to Me
20: Stupid and Afraid
21: I Dream of Stimpy
22: Renunion
23: Plane and Simple
24: Ask Dr. Stupid: Lemons
25: Journey to the Center of the Idiot
26: Zen Ren
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