At Lumon Industries, employees undergo "severance," a procedure dividing their work and personal memories. Mark, a grieving team leader, begins to uncover the dark secrets of the company, forcing him and his coworkers to confront questions of identity, free will, and corporate control.
1: Good News About Hell
Feb 17, 2022
Mark is promoted to lead a team who've had their memories surgically divided between their work and personal lives.
2: Half Loop
Feb 17, 2022
The team train new hire Helly on macrodata refinement. Mark takes a day off to meet with a mysterious former colleague.
3: In Perpetuity
Feb 24, 2022
Mark takes the team on a field trip, but Helly continues to rebel. A deteriorating Petey struggles to tell Mark about Lumon’s misdeeds.
4: The You You Are
Mar 3, 2022
Irving finds an intriguing book at work. Helly aggressively pursues a meeting with her Outie. Mark attends a funeral with Ms. Selvig.
5: The Grim Barbarity of Optics and Design
Mar 10, 2022
Irving and Dylan confront Burt about his lies. Mark and Helly discover a strange new department.
6: Hide and Seek
Mar 17, 2022
The team angers Cobel by forming an alliance.
7: Defiant Jazz
Mar 24, 2022
Mark and the team encounter new security measures from Cobel.
8: What's for Dinner?
Mar 31, 2022
The team prepares a plan. Mark attends Devon and Ricken’s party.
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