Kiss and Make-Up
Original movie
Rating 2
Language English
Runtime 78m
Popularity Trending Up
Dr. Maurice Lamar is a noted plastic surgeon who makes his rich clients beautiful, and also makes them. He makes Eve Caron, the wife of Marcel Caron, so satisfied with his skilled hands that she leaves Marcel and marries Maurice. They go on a Mediterranean honeymoon, where he soon finds the effects of his own beauty regulations are more than he can handle. He bids adieu to his new bride, and wings it back to Paris with the intention of giving up his practice and becoming a scientific researcher... after winning back the love of his simple, unadorned secretary, Anne.
Dr. Maurice Lamar is a noted plastic surgeon who makes his rich clients beautiful, and also makes them. He makes Eve Caron, the wife of Marcel Caron, so satisfied with his skilled hands that she leaves Marcel and marries Maurice. They go on a Mediterranean honeymoon, where he soon finds the effects of his own beauty regulations are more than he can handle. He bids adieu to his new bride, and wings it back to Paris with the intention of giving up his practice and becoming a scientific researcher... after winning back the love of his simple, unadorned secretary, Anne.
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