The Story of Furong
Original Show
Language Chinese
Popularity Trending Down
During the Tang Dynasty, Eunuch Ju kills five government officials in an attempt to hide his evildoings and the evidence falls into the hands of Prime Minister Mu. Prime Minister Mu's daughter Mu Fu Rong refuses a marriage of convenience and she jumps to her death in defiance, yet she survives thanks to a masked hero who comes to save her. Eunuch Ju has long been targeting the masked hero and the Mu family that the incident places a giant target on Mu Fu Rong's back.
During the Tang Dynasty, Eunuch Ju kills five government officials in an attempt to hide his evildoings and the evidence falls into the hands of Prime Minister Mu. Prime Minister Mu's daughter Mu Fu Rong refuses a marriage of convenience and she jumps to her death in defiance, yet she survives thanks to a masked hero who comes to save her. Eunuch Ju has long been targeting the masked hero and the Mu family that the incident places a giant target on Mu Fu Rong's back.
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