Let It Be
Original Show
Language Chinese
Runtime 45m
Popularity Trending Down
Three mothers—Yang Liu, Xu Yuejuan, and Jiang Danhua—each impose their own ambitions on their children, leading to strained marriages and children struggling under immense pressure. Yang Liu pushes her son relentlessly, Xu Yuejuan neglects her children's education while focusing on her husband, and Jiang Danhua forces her son into a path he isn’t suited for, resulting in depression. As their families begin to unravel, the mothers finally confront the damage they've caused, learning to reconcile with themselves and grow alongside their children.
Three mothers—Yang Liu, Xu Yuejuan, and Jiang Danhua—each impose their own ambitions on their children, leading to strained marriages and children struggling under immense pressure. Yang Liu pushes her son relentlessly, Xu Yuejuan neglects her children's education while focusing on her husband, and Jiang Danhua forces her son into a path he isn’t suited for, resulting in depression. As their families begin to unravel, the mothers finally confront the damage they've caused, learning to reconcile with themselves and grow alongside their children.
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