Season 5
House of Cards
13 EPISODES • 2017
Season five picks up where season four left off: in the midst of a tense presidential election that puts the Underwoods on the same ticket against energetic Republican upstart Will Conway. Viewers will see how their heated campaigns play out as well as which alliances dissolve in the aftermath. Perhaps the biggest question is if Frank and Claire’s relationship is among them.

Season 4


1: Chapter 53
May 30, 2017
As Congress debates investigating Frank, he and Claire attempt to stoke fear of terrorism. Tom Yates continues his stay in the White House.
2: Chapter 54
May 30, 2017
Frank and his team work to leverage support in key states by any means necessary. Claire learns some upsetting news about one of Frank's friends.
3: Chapter 55
May 30, 2017
The day before the election, Conway holds a 24-hour Skype session with voters, while Frank and Claire stump in key states and try to discredit him.
4: Chapter 56
May 30, 2017
With a tight race and low voter turnout on Election Day, things look grim for Frank. But he's still got one more trick up his sleeve.
5: Chapter 57
May 30, 2017
Nine weeks after Election Day, the Underwoods work to consolidate their power. Leann tries to track down a missing Aidan Macallan.
6: Chapter 58
May 30, 2017
In the midst of uncertainty, suspected Russian forces take over an American station in Antarctica. Meanwhile, a damaging news leak could hurt Frank.
7: Chapter 59
May 30, 2017
When a crisis forces White House personnel to take shelter in a bunker, Commerce Department official Jane Davis negotiates through back channels.
8: Chapter 60
May 30, 2017
While Frank attends an elite men's weekend gathering to firm up support, Claire deals with a stranded Russian ship and threats from Petrov.
9: Chapter 61
May 30, 2017
Petrov tries to influence affairs in the U.S. Jane discusses her agenda with Claire. With her job at stake, Leann reaches out to a reporter for help.
10: Chapter 62
May 30, 2017
The Underwoods and their team angle to undermine the revived committee investigating Frank. Hammerschmidt's investigation heats up.
11: Chapter 63
May 30, 2017
As the team tries to control fallout from damaging testimony and leaks, everyone is under suspicion and tensions flare between Frank and Claire.
12: Chapter 64
May 30, 2017
Frank attempts to stop Cathy from testifying. With Hammerschmidt sniffing out the truth, the Underwoods throw someone close to them under the bus.
13: Chapter 65
May 30, 2017
In the wake of a surprising announcement, everything at the White House is shaken up. A decision must be made about whether to go to war.
Season 6
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