Rivr is not made by or affiliated with any streaming service in any way, and you CANNOT watch, stream, or view any content from this app other than trailers or teasers. The app provides multiple warnings on the App Store page, during onboarding, and before purchase (see below).
If you mistakenly subscribed to Pro, you can request a refund using the link below. If you have any issues or questions please reach out to me via support at any time.
About Originals
Rivr is a tool designed to help you get the most out of your existing subscription services.
As stated in the App Store description, the purpose of this app is to help you discover and keep track of your favorite original shows and movies, both new and old. It alerts you to content changes so you never miss an episode or content drop. Additionally, it provides powerful insights and AI-generated summaries and much, much more that other apps do not offer. This app is designed by and for TV and movie nerds 🤓, ensuring you get the most out of your existing subscriptions.
Cancellation and Refunds
If you mistakenly subscribed to Pro, you can learn how to cancel your subscription or request a refund through the support pages: